An electrifying desert phenomenon left tourists stunned in northwest China.
The video was filmed in the Kumtag Desert of Shanshan County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on August 15.
An unexpected and electrifying phenomenon that stunned Mr Zhao and the group of tourists he was leading. As they reached the peak of a sand dune for some leisurely exploration, everyone was taken aback when their hair and body hair stood on end, emanating a sizzling noise. They could even feel their mobile phones and vehicles becoming electrically charged.
Zhao, who has worked as a desert guide in the area for over a decade, expressed his astonishment, stating it was the first time he had ever encountered such a phenomenon.
After spending only four to five minutes atop the dune due to the unexpected event, they descended. When they returned to the same spot around 20 minutes later, the phenomenon disappeared.
For insights into this electrifying incident, Associate Professor Wu Xueke of the Atmospheric Science School at Lanzhou University explained that the phenomena were caused by electrified clouds above the tourists’ heads. In such circumstances, humans act as a sharp point, leading to a severe distortion of the electric field around the head, resulting in the sensation of hair being induced by static electricity.
In extreme cases, there’s a risk of being struck by lightning. “When encountering this in the wild, one should immediately find a lower spot, and squat down with feet together without walking or running. If there are vehicles nearby, it’s best to seek shelter inside them,” advised Professor Wu.
A representative from the Meteorological Disaster Prevention Technology Center of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region revealed that they hadn’t received prior reports of such occurrences in the desert. He further added that thunderstorm weather in desert regions is relatively rare, and as long as appropriate preventive measures are taken, there shouldn’t be any significant issues.
The video was provided by local media with permission.
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