The most terrifying of scary videos span across a variety of incidents. Some of them show unexplainable happenings in abandoned sites while others reveal the eerie events unfolding in well-populated neighborhoods. What type of scary videos are scarier? The ones caught in stranded, deserted, and forgotten places as the mere thought that such spheres exist in the very world you live in gives you the chills, or, the ones that show otherworldly entities right in the midst of decently inhabited areas? I’ll leave it to you to decide which ones are creepier.
However, all these scary incidents have one thing in common: the ability to draw on and leverage your deepest fears. Many creepy videos are distressingly gut-wrenching to watch because they seem to reconstruct the worst of our nightmares and portray the very scenarios we’d most like to have nothing to do with in real life. A haunted house? Nah, wouldn’t want to be in one! Ghost sightings? No, thank you! Mysteriously menacing happenings in the middle of the night? Well, that’s a hard pass from me.
But say what you will, the truth is we all love watching a few scary videos every once in a while. Or more. There’s just something intense about facing these horrors harmlessly from the safety of being behind a screen and inside your warm home. Watching a few decent ones while chilling on your couch gives you all the indulgence you want without putting yourself in actual danger.
The dark, scary side of the internet has plenty of creepy videos that claim to satisfy your horror cravings. Now if you are all like “I gotta check them out,” let me ask you to hold your horses right there. Why? Because sadly, out of the vast majority of videos on the entire internet that claim to be creepy, only a few of them live up to their name. The internet has too many not-so-freaky videos that, granted, are decent for a jumpscare, but don’t have much of a horror factor. And truth be told, you will get more desensitized to jump scares the more you watch them, and that gets boring after a while.
For that reason, I am here with this my analysis of the top 15 scary videos you should not watch at night. These are some of my favorite entries — not because I liked watching them but because these recordings gave me the worst of nightmares for weeks. I still get chills thinking about how unsettling it was for my sanity when I watched these the first time.
More unnerving, however, was how I was left thinking about the creepily inexplicable events that happened in these entries for hours after I watched them. They seemed to be deep-seated in my thoughts, and no amount of trying to convince myself with “it wasn’t real, there must be some logical explanation to them” helped. Plus, the fact that there were thunderstorms that night didn’t help at all! The entries included in this list of top 15 creepy videos include hauntings, paranormal happenings, incidents that can only be linked to the otherworldly, ghosts, specters, spirits, eerie abandoned sites, apparitions and sinister sounds that don’t seem to be natural at all.
Do not expect a few cheap jump scares and sudden jolts from this list of top 15 scary videos. Something much worse will be coming your way when you hit the play button — a dreadful, lasting feeling stemming from the realization that there do exist several unexplained, mysterious, and malicious entities in the very world you live in — and there’s nothing you would be able to do about it should you confront them someday. And yeah, not to mention the sudden, overpowering repulsion that makes you feel like never setting foot in the scary side of the internet again. If the idea of that doesn’t sit well with you, I strongly ask you to steer clear of this list.
While analyzing these videos, I remembered a little too much in detail how my chest tightened and my jaw clenched as the gruesome events in some of the entries in this list of top 15 entries unfolded. Now, even just thinking about it, I get creepy chills running down my spine as these horrific happenings could occur to anyone, at any time. And it takes only one ominous event to change the course of your life and your world forever. I dare you to watch these creepy videos alone, at night, in a dark room and not have the cold sweat and shakes haunt you forever.
Finished watching? Splendid! Consider yourself gutsier than most. Which of these scary videos do you think will stay with you and give you the chills for a long time? Let me know right below in the comments!
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Entry Timestamps:
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