There will never be a winner regarding which visual style or format fits horror the best: short or long scary videos. And truth be told, it doesn’t matter, really. Because you will always be privileged to have both — the one-and-a-half-hour long horror flicks as well as the creepy clips that are a few seconds to a few minutes long. As a fan of the horror genre, when I need my horror fix (yes, for some of us, a bit of creepy chills is needed to get through the day) but only have a little bit of time on my hands, short and scary videos really do the trick.
And what’s better than a few little creepy videos to get a buzz of adrenaline kicking in your veins? I have the answer — an entire list of top 15 scary videos that are seriously mysterious! And that is exactly what I have here for you! These videos do not try to trick you into a jumpscare by catching you off guard. That’s easy; frankly, a little lame. And lame isn’t what I do.
In this top 15 analysis of scary videos, you will only find those terrifying and mysterious clips that are sure to make your teeth chatter by throwing you into an unrelieved fright. The mystifying ambiance of these creepy videos displaying unexplainable happenings is sure to send cold chills right to the very depth of your nerves. So, if nothing on your precious Amazon Prime or Netflix feels frightening enough to you, I dare you, try this list of top 15 videos.
Ever since the inception of the internet, there has been some absolutely gut-wrenching and disturbing footage that found its way online. Bear in mind that should you decide to go ahead and watch these scary videos, you will essentially be ensuring that you won’t get any sleep tonight. And the next night. Probably the whole week but if you think you can handle the dreadful chills, get down to business, turn off the lights, put on your headphones, and get going with this list! Oh, and yes, don’t forget to turn up the volume!
The events shown in this list of creepy videos are so mysterious that you won’t be exactly sure what caused them. When I watched these scary videos for the first time, I couldn’t help but blindly speculate the underlying reasons behind the haunting incidents displayed in the videos that completely captured my thoughts. I looked online; even came up with theories of my own — many of which were particularly unnerving to say the least, but all of that went nowhere. In the end, I had to settle with the fact that there are many unexplainable things — like the ones in this collection of creepy videos — that one just can’t come up with a logical explanation for that clears up the uncanny mysteries displayed.
Done watching? Give yourself a pat on the back! You are certainly braver than most! Which of these scary videos overwhelmed you with absolute chills? Let me know right below in the comments!
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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