These Celebrities Did Not Just Say That About Quarantine…

Are The Celebrities Okay? With The Exception Of A Few Giving Back, Some Are So Cringe During This Pandemic
During this health crisis and very stressful time, some celebrities have stepped up to help out while others have surprised us with their tone deaf comments on social media! Ellen Degeneres rubbed some fans the wrong way when she compared living in her luxe mansion to being in jail and she’s now being called out by her TV crew for leaving them without pay while she hosts the show. Vanessa Hudgens apologized after making light of the situation in an Instagram post, and Gal Gadot’s “Imagine” project made the internet collectively cringe. Dr. Drew took some time to realize the severity of the situation, and Gwyneth Paltrow chose a terrible time to promote her expensive clothing. Even our beloved Chrissy Teigen made a tweet that was in bad taste! But there have been many stars who got it right, including Kylie Jenner who made an important donation and Lady Gaga who’s doing her best to improve morale. Even though Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, suffered from COVID-19 themselves, they did everything they could to reassure others. Britney Spears helped some of her fans pay their bills, and Cardi B did much more than make a meme-able video about the situation! Emilia Clarke encouraged her fans to donate and offered a very special treat to a select few as a motivation.

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