Kodack Black RELEASED From Prison Early?!?!

Kodak Black will be released from jail next month after a judge gave him a little more credit for time served.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, the judge granted a motion filed by Kodak’s legal team which will give him an additional 30 days of time served, bringing the grand total to 120.
Kodak was originally expected to be released around October, with good behavior, but with the updated court order the Broward County Sheriff’s Office now lists his expected release date as August 18.

Back in April, the rapper was sentenced to one year in county jail even though he was facing up to 12 years behind bars. Kodak pled guilty to two probation violations, including driving on a suspended license and “associating with people committing crimes.”

As The Blast previously reported, police witnessed the rapper in the presence of cannabis and ammunition during an Instagram Live stream. His powerhouse attorney, Bradford Cohen, argued that there was no way to prove that the weed and ammo from the video could be determined to be authentic, and the charges should be dropped.

The violation charges were dropped and other charges, including child neglect, that were connected to a police raid on his home, were also dropped.


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