Detective Bill Courtney on Fat Cat & Pappy Mason Killing Cops & Parole Officers (Part 3)

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Former detective Bill Courtney delved into the notorious criminal activities of Fat Cat and his ruthless associate, Pappy Mason. Although Courtney never had a direct meeting with Pappy Mason, he recounted his encounter with Fat Cat in a Florida jail. Fat Cat, while cooperative due to a prior agreement, provided little helpful information, eventually being expelled from witness protection for continuing criminal activities from behind bars.

Courtney detailed Pappy Mason’s profound animosity toward law enforcement, inflamed further after receiving a minor citation. This resentment culminated in the horrendous murder of NYPD rookie officer Edward Byrne in 1988. Mason, alongside collaborators, orchestrated the hit while Byrne was on duty protecting a community activist’s home from drug-related threats. Byrne’s tragic death became a rallying point, prompting a citywide crackdown on narcotics and drawing national attention, including from presidential candidate George H.W. Bush.