Do You Think Britney Spears Will Ever Be Free?
Should you be afraid of Britney Spears’ dad Jamie? How exactly did a building contractor become the conservator for one of the world’s biggest pop stars? While Britney and her father have had a rocky relationship over the years, the man has been in charge of her health, career and finances since 2008. With the #FreeBritney movement gaining traction, what is it about the conservatorship that they don’t like? On one side you have Britney steadily releasing new content and product before her hiatus, but then does she even want to continue doing this, is she done with the pop star life? Happy in her current relationship and on hiatus, her youngest son Jayden James seems to think Britney is done releasing new music as stated in an Instagram Live video. While we go over what exactly a conservatorship is and the details surrounding Brit’s agreement with her father, it’s time to ultimately figure out if Britney should be freed. What do we need to know about Jamie to make a sound decision.
So what do you think about Jamie Spears’ control over his daughter Britney’s life and career? Do you think Britney should still be under a conservatorship? Or is it time for her to be free? Let us know what you think in the comment section below and don’t forget to click on the subscribe button, turn on your notifications, and give this video a thumbs up to stay up to date with the latest videos from us here at The Talko.
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Written by: Melissa L
Narrated by: Cam Y.
Edited by: Steven Suñe
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