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Tickets $20 https://getthestrap.eventbrite.com
All Star Weekend pay per view battle live!!!! @arsonal103 vs @_topbizzy 🔥🔥witness history! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Then : Come to the @not4nothinmusic ALL STAR WEEKEND Showcase & Episode Premiere Celebrity afterparty of NEW SHOW @jackthriller presents “GET THE STRAP!” 🎥🎬🔥 & win a $1000 cash prize!
Be a part of this live taping with “GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN” & “POWER” Star @marcjohnj & special guest judge @stephlova100
After party hosted by STARTENDER @iambadder 🔥🔥🔥 To compete for cash and prizes and a chance to be on “GET THE STRAP” sign up @not4nothinmusic
Or call 9735584922 #NonfictionRadio #allstarweekend2019 #allstarweekendcharlotte2019 #getthestrap #not4nothingmusic #radio #guntalk #music #balleralert #shaderoom
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Watch exclusive battle series from UDubb:
Alpha N Omega: http://bit.ly/LuxvsArsPlaylist
High Stakes 2: http://bit.ly/HighStakes2
Every Bar Counts: http://bit.ly/EveryBarCounts
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