92 Year Old Grandpa Has An Epic Dance Off With A Street Performer

This was the moment a 92-year-old grandad challenged a young street performer to an epic dance-off in Chicago’s Chinatown.

The elderly man, named Yung Lo, slowly shuffles up to the young man before they engage in an intense face-to-face showdown which lasts two minutes.

Xinian Yuh, Lo’s granddaughter, filmed the encounter and told Newsflare: “We were walking through Chinatown after dim-sum when we came across this fine young man dancing in a public square while his friend films him.

“My grandpa rushes toward the middle of the square like a magnet, and before we knew it, they were in a two-minute epic dance battle!”

Before they knew it, an audience had gathered to watch the pair show off their smooth moves. As the pair shook hands the crowd started applauding and cheering.

Yuh added: “The way my grandpa zipped on over to the middle of the square, he was like a magnet being drawn to a piece of metal.

“My grandpa loves physical activity and is very proud that even at 92, he is still able to move well. Dancing is a great opportunity for him to show off his physical prowess, and he loves to have fun with other people.

“This is actually not the first time he has deliberately danced in front of a crowd of people. We were on a dinner cruise last summer and when he saw a group of women dancing in the middle of the floor, he got up and tossed his cane aside and sauntered confidently over to the women.

“Within moments, my grandpa became the life of the party, dancing along to the beat of Blurred Lines and dishing out some pretty rad moves. My grandpa enjoys life to the fullest and is always eager to share that joy with others.”

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