FBG Bigga on Shootouts with FBG Duck, Boosie Speaking on Other Cities, FBG Butta (Full Interview)

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FBG Bigga joined VladTV for an in-depth discussion about a variety of topics. The Chicago native started by talking about his upbringing and the shift in Chicago’s dynamics once multiple project buildings were torn down. He also described growing up without his father, who passed away when he was just two years old. Bigga recalled committing crimes as a youth and how he joined FBG Duck and the rest of the FBG crew. The rapper opened up about the popularization of drill music, as well as notable Chicago street figures during that era. Later on, FBG Bigga offered his thoughts on FBG Duck’s passing and O-Block 6’s trial. For more on the status of the FBG crew, check out the full interview above.