Blueface Kicks his Mom and Sister out of his House after they Tried to fight his TWO Girlfriends!

Listen to My New Song w/ 6ix9ine called ‘LANES’ – DJ Akademiks Speaks on Blueface Kicking his Mom and Sister out of his House after they Tried to fight his TWO Girlfriends! Follow my Official Spotify Playlist: Join the Family and Sub to this Channel: Also Sub to #DJAkademiks – Negrotiator […]
Lil Nas X Finally comes out of the Closet. Will his Career Be affected or not?

Listen to My New Song w/ 6ix9ine called ‘LANES’ – DJ Akademiks Speaks on Lil Nas X Finally coming out of the Closet. Will his Career Be affected or not? Follow my Official Spotify Playlist: Join the Family and Sub to this Channel: Also Sub to #DJAkademiks – Negrotiator Follow on […]
Lil Nas X Comes Out On The Final Day Of Pride Month + Reactions To Kevin Durant To Nets

Ebro in the Morning discusses some of the biggest trending topics during the Flashing Lights report. Topics include: – Reactions to Kevin Durant & Kyrie Irving signing to Brooklyn Nets – Lil Nas X Comes Out As Gay On Last Day Of Pride Month – Spike Lee Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary of ‘Do The Right […]
Mike Epps Sends Chris Tucker A Message For ‘Friday’ Sequel, & Tells CRAZY Fan & Heckler Stories

Comedian Mike Epps stepped up to Ebro in the Morning for a hilarious conversation on marriage, hecklers, and crazy fans. He also gives an update on ‘Last Friday’ sequel including a message to Chris Tucker, explains what happened to the Richard Pryor biopic & gives an exclusive look at the new “Dolomyte” film also starring […]
76ers Co-Owner Michael Rubin On Meek Mill Case, Allen Iverson & Reacts To Nets FA Signings

Philadelphia 76ers co-owner Michael Rubin sits down with Ebro in the Morning to break down his relationship with Meek Mill, and how he got interested in Justice reform. He speaks on the backlash he received for backing Meek, and watching the justice system at work for the first time. He along with the Reform Alliance […]
Willie D: Bushwick Bill would Pick Up a Stick or a Gun During a Fight (Part 2)

Part 1: — In this clip, Willie D talked about one of Bushwick Bill’s most well known solo tracks titled “Size Ain’t Sh**” which he wrote for Bill. Vlad couldn’t control his laughter as he read over the lyrics that were self-effacing but still gave off a hardcore edge. Willie D said Bill was […]
Guy Torry Hated Working with Rob Schneider on ‘The Animal’ (Part 9)

Part 8: Part 1: —- Guy Torry talked about more movies that he did, including ‘The Animal’ with Rob Schneider. He said he was a fan of Schneider but that changed once he found out that he was rude. Torry also noted that he hated that film. He explained he felt Schneider was […]
Lillo Brancato on Getting Attacked with a Hammer in a Crackhouse (Part 7)

Part 6: Part 1: —– Lillo Brancato spoke to VladTV about having a $1,000 a day habit at the height of his addiction, adding that he got down to 132 pounds around this time. During the conversation, Brancato also detailed the events leading up to a shooting where an officer and himself were […]
John Salley: 2020 Finals will be Raptors vs Lakers, Agrees with Magic Johnson Quitting (Part 7)

Part 6: Part 1: ——- John Salley shared his thoughts on Magic Johnson leaving the Lakers earlier this year, telling VladTV that he agrees with Magic’s decision. He also shared his prediction for the NBA Finals next year, and given the injury-plagued Warriors, Salley believes that they won’t make it past the first […]
George Wallace Attended MLK’s Funeral, Speaks About the Riots that Broke Out (Part 12)

Part 11: Part 1: —- In this clip, George Wallace recounted his experience with racism throughout his life. Being from the South, George Wallace spoke about living through segregation and revealed that he was at the funeral for MLK after his assassination. George Wallace says he never thinks racism is going anywhere and […]
R. Kelly Lawyer Files 1st Motion For New Tapes📼

R. Kelly Lawyer Files 1st Motion For New Tapes📼. #RKelly #TheMusicScene #SurvivingRKelly
Hit-Boy’s Favorite Beats From Pharrell, Timbaland and Dr. Dre

Subscribe to XXL → Hit-Boy discusses his favorite hip-hop beats in XXL’s ‘Pay Homage’ series. Pharrell, Dr. Dre and Timbaland included. #HitBoy #HipHop #Pharrell #DrDre #Producers Go here → XXL on Facebook → XXL on Twitter → XXL on Instagram →