Caller Admits To Dating Middle School Math Teacher + R. Kelly’s GF’s Give Their Side Of The Story

Azriel Clary and Joycelen Savage sat down with Gayle King on CBS This Morning to breakdown their experiences with the R. Kelly. It also comes out that Kelly was around the corner as the interview was going on coughing and clearing his throat to alert the girls of his presence. Ebro in the Morning asked […]
R. Kelly’s Girlfriends Defend Him, Can Rap Moguls Pool Money to Buy Sports Team? | Everyday Struggle

On Thursday’s (March 7) episode of #EverydayStruggle, Nadeska, Wayno and DJ Akademiks kick off the show recapping R.Kelly’s bizarre interview from yesterday with Gayle King on CBS This Morning. The trio weighs in Kelly’s comments about the two young women he lives with-Jocelyn Savage and Azriel Clary-and share their thoughts on what they think will […]
University Dean Quits After Her School’s Decision To Drop Chick-fil-A

Dean Cynthia Newman of Rider University in New Jersey is today’s Donkey of the Day for stepping down from her position because the campus was no longer considering adding a Chick-fil-A to campus. The Dean claims this is offensive to her Christian beliefs. Subscribe NOW to The Breakfast Club: Get MORE of The Breakfast […]