Professor Griff on Flavor Flav Doing Crack During Anti-Crack Music Video

Public Enemy’s Professor Griff set the record straight with VladTV on rumors that he kicked Flavor Flav in the chest during an argument. Griff explained that after looking for Flav and finding him smoking crack on a rooftop when they should’ve been taking care of business, he kicked a boombox that Flav was holding in […]
Rob Schneider Tweets to Civil Rights Leader John Lewis about MLK – Donkey of the Day (01-17-17)

Rob Schneider earns Donkey of the Day after attempting to explain the historical significance of Martin Luther King Jr. to civil rights activist John Lewis — on Martin Luther King Day. ► Don’t forget to click the Subscribe button to be notified of new interviews! ► Tune In For Live Interviews At ► […]