Tish Hyman is the 1st Female Rapper of 2015 to Do 5 Fingers of Death + Speaks Battle Rap & Being Gay

Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC TWITTER: Tweets by RealSway Tweets by thehappyhourwHB Tweets by djwonder Tweets by itstracyg Tweets by nickygeezy Tweets by NahGeeISN FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SwayCalloway WEBSITE: http://swaysuniverse.com I SHOOT NYC Sways Universe, Sway In The Morning, Rap, Hip-Hop, Freestyles, Interviews, Live, Concert, Performances, Actors, Athletes, Singers, Celebrities, Television, FIlm, Shade45, 5 Fingers of Death, […]
Tish Hyman becomes the First Female Rapper to Freestyle on The 5 Fingers of Death in 2015

Spitting a sick and quick freestyle on 5 Fingers of Death, Tish is crowned Queen — successfully being the very first female Rapper to throw down her bars, off the dome. This woman just set the bar pretty high for any female’s to come. Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC TWITTER: Tweets by RealSway Tweets by […]

SMACK/ URL’S marque MC Battle event “NOME 5” is going down this May. URL sat down with SERIUS JONES and DNA to discuss their upcoming battle against one another. NOME 5 SATURDAY MAY 9TH IS SOLD OUT!!! YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIVE PPV AT WATCHBATTLELIVE.COM SUBSCRIBE to ULTIMATE RAP LEAGUE ⇩ http://bit.ly/Sub2UltimateRapLeague FOLLOW THE MOVEMENT […]